SWP Team
PWR Newsletter Archives (PDF)
- January 2017
- February 2017
- March 2017
- April 2017
- May - June 2017
- July - August 2017
- September - October 2017
PWR Bi-annual meeting presentations (converted to PDF)
2017, September 28
- Attendance sheet
- Agenda
- Jeff_Koch_PWR_Intro (1 mb)
- Peter_David_Wild_Rice_Ecology basics (29 mb)
- Roger Labine_Manoomin- The Spiritual Significance DEQ (2 mb)
- Roger_Labine_Traditional Cultural Property (TCP) Lake Lac (1 mb)
- Erin_Johnston_KBIC_Wild Rice Study Presentation (2 mb)
2017, May 24
- Attendance sheet
- Agenda
- Danielle_Shannon_Adapting_Watersheds_Climate_Change (6 mb)
- Erin_Johnston_KBIC Sand Point Restoration (6 mb)
- Iron_Co_Watershed_Coalition presentation for PWR (5 mb)
- Jeff_Koch_LCC_GIS_data access (12 mb)
- Jeff_Koch_PWR_Intro_2017_May_24 (4 mb)
- Mark_Fedora_Why_does_a_fish_cross_road (4 mb)
- POLL_Questions_May_24_2017 (.04 mb)
- PWR May 24 2017 Photos_KBIC_Hatchery_Greenhouse (7 mb)
2016, October 12
- Meeting Notes
- Attendance Sheet
- Meeting Photos (2 mb)
- Meeting Agenda
- ------------------------------------
- Jeff_Koch PWR_intro_2016_oct_12 (3mb)
- Ted_Koehler_brook_trout_2016 (3.5 mb)
- Chris_Kovala_lake-superior-lakewide-action-and-management-plan (1.5 mb)
- Pete_Hrodey_-sea-lamprey-barriers (4.5 mb)
- Mark_Fedora_joint_chiefs_proposal (2 mb)
- Allison_George_nrcs-regional-conservation-partnership-program (1 mb)
- Jeff_Koch_afternoon (2mb)
2016, May 24
- PWR_meeting_attendance sheet_5_24_16 (1 mb)
- PWR_Agenda_5_24_16 (1 mb)
- ---------------------------------------------------------
- Erin_and_Luis_LCC GIS Presentation (23 mb)
- Henry_Quinlan Brook Trout PWR_May 2016 (7 mb)
- Koch_PPT PWR_online_tools May_2016 (3 mb)
- Kovala_PWR Intro_2016_Spring (1 mb)
- Walter PWR May 2016 Aquatic Habitat Collaborative (1 mb)
- Fedora_Lake Superior LAMP 2015 (2 mb)