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Listening to the River

Listening to the River is an exciting, multi-disciplinary education project that engages students in the scientific exploration and documentation of their local watershed.

Listening to the River (LTTR) helps teens learn about their watershed by combining field experiences with digital media recording and production technologies, then helps them share their discoveries, unique perspectives and interpretations with the public through web-based interactive maps, radio broadcasts, and museum exhibits. Each component of the Listening to the River Project is based on these principles:

  • Youth and mentors choose to be involved because they have a highly personalized interest.
  • Each experience links teens to active science investigations with a two-fold purpose:
    – To observe and capture a comprehensive picture of the watershed through observation and direct experience.
    – To investigate the watershed environment through intentional focus on relevant science fields such as hydrology, ornithology, geology, engineering, and many others.
  • Multiple pathways and formats are used to engage the participants.
  • The process of exploration is inquiry-based and hands-on.
  • Youth and guides/content specialists meet before going into the field for training on equipment, to review goals of the field work, and to get a sense of the youth’s current level of understanding and skill in the science and/or technology focus.
  • Youth work in teams.
  • Field time includes a large enough block to allow for flexibility.
  • Field experiences are followed by classroom, lab, and production time as needed.
  • Reflection time is built in (via discussions, field journals, follow up on-line chats, etc.).
  • Career/school opportunities in science and technology are discussed when appropriate.

 LTTR is brought to you by The Superior Watershed Partnership, the UP Children’s Museum and the Land Information Access Association (LIAA).

Click here for more information.